


"shu shu me " is my son's (then 2 years old) favorite word.
I looked it up and found that chouchou is French for "favorite. So it means "favorite" to me (me). My son is a naming genius.
I have been making handmade jewelry since I was a teenager, but I don't really have a special love for jewelry.It's just that I love the act of making it.
I don't like the act of dressing up.I would rather explore a field in a t-shirt than go out in the city with pretty clothes and jewelry.

I am especially excited by the mysterious shapes found in nature. I am moved by the bizarre forms of ferns, raindrops on a spider's web, and the fleeting expression of morning dew on a leaf. I am fascinated by the soft glow of natural stones and the spiral vortex of ammonite fossils. When I look at the shapes of nature, I am overwhelmed with the desire to create something.

I just love the act of "creation". I am delighted that the product of this act can be worn as jewelry.

I moved to northern Okinawa in the summer of 2020. In this area, called "Yanbaru", I can see nature and plants that move me every day.
I want to share the "beautiful moments" and "excitement" I felt with as many people as possible. With this in mind, I continue to create "my favorites" today.

May 2021
shu shu me  / シュシュミー
Kaneko Natsumi / カネコナツミ